Diskspd: The Essential Tool for Storage Performance Analysis

Diskspd: The Essential Tool for Storage Performance Analysis


In system administration and performance tuning, understanding and measuring the capabilities of your storage infrastructure is crucial.

Diskspd, a versatile and powerful command-line tool, offers a comprehensive solution for performance testing storage systems.

This blog post introduces Diskspd, explains its significance, and provides insights into its usage and applications.

What is Diskspd?

Diskspd is a storage performance testing tool developed by Microsoft. It is designed to generate realistic workloads to test the performance of storage devices.

Unlike traditional tools, Diskspd provides a highly configurable environment that can simulate various application loads and understand how storage responds to these workloads.

Key Features of Diskspd

Diskspd stands out due to its versatility and comprehensive feature set:

  • Customizable Workloads: Users can create specific read/write patterns to mimic real-world scenarios.
  • Support for Various IO Patterns: Diskspd supports sequential and random IO patterns, offering a broader testing scope.
  • Detailed Performance Metrics: It provides detailed statistics, including latency, IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second), and throughput.
  • Thread and Queue Depth Control: Users can specify the number of threads and queue depths, enabling more granular testing.

Getting Started with Diskspd

To begin using Diskspd, download and install it from the official Microsoft repository. Once installed, you can start creating test scripts. Here’s an example of a basic Diskspd command:

diskspd -b4K -d60 -o32 -t8 -h -r -w30 -c100M C:\testfile.dat

This command tests a storage device using a 4KB block size for 60 seconds with 32 outstanding requests and 8 threads, with a mix of 30% write and 70% read operations on a 100MB test file.

Applications of Diskspd

Diskspd is used across various scenarios in IT:

  • Performance Benchmarking: Before deploying new storage solutions, Diskspd helps benchmark performance.
  • Troubleshooting: It assists in identifying performance bottlenecks in existing storage setups.
  • Capacity Planning: Diskspd tests help forecast future storage requirements based on current performance data.

Best Practices and Tips

To effectively use Diskspd, consider the following tips:

  • Understand Your Workload: Tailor the Diskspd parameters to closely resemble your workload for relevant results.
  • Monitor System Resources: Monitor CPU and memory usage during tests, as they can impact performance measurements.
  • Run Multiple Tests: Perform multiple runs and average the results for accuracy.
  • Use Caution on Production Systems: Running Diskspd on production systems can impact performance; schedule tests during maintenance windows.


Diskspd is an invaluable tool for IT professionals seeking to analyze and improve storage performance. Its ability to simulate real-world scenarios and provide detailed metrics makes it an essential component in the toolkit of system administrators and performance engineers.

By understanding and leveraging Diskspd, you can ensure your storage infrastructure meets the demands of your applications and users.

Further Resources

  • Official Diskspd documentation for in-depth understanding.
  • Community forums for troubleshooting and advanced tips.
  • Case studies demonstrating practical uses of Diskspd in different environments.

Hi, my name is Stephen Finchett. I have been a software engineer for over 30 years and worked on complex, business critical, multi-user systems for all of my career. For the last 15 years, I have been concentrating on web based solutions using the Microsoft Stack including ASP.Net, C#, TypeScript, SQL Server and running everything at scale within Kubernetes.